Friday, 18 November 2011

city grammer english paper 2011 class 8


Affiliated with Federal Board

Name: _____________                                                                                                                   Grade: 1

Total Marks: 75                                                                                                                                 Paper : English

Mid Term Exams 2011

Objective Type

Q1. Tick the correct ONE. Each part carries one marks.                                                                                   (15)

        i.            What does advent mean in the advent of islam?

a). Approach                      b). Arrival                            c). Contact          d). Nearness

      ii.            What way of life did the Arabs come to hace?

a). Co-operation              b). Brotherhood               c). Friendship    d). Service

    iii.            Kindness benefits

a).  its receiver alone                     b).bothe the giver and the receiver

c). everyone in the country         d). poor people

     iv.            Little moments make

a). our fate                                         b). the mighty ages

c). us happy or unhappy                               d). our minds

       v.            Why do villagers migrate to cities?

a). to enjoys city comforts           b). to earn more money

c). for medical treatment             d). for visiting park

     vi.            What did the king want his son to learn?

a). the Chinese language             b). speaking and writing

c). the basics of a good ruler       d). rules a successful living

   vii.            We have women

a). traders                           b). Fighters                         c). politicians     d). labourers

 viii.            Which calendar do the Muslims follow?

a). the Christian calendar             b). the Hijri calendar

c). the Roman calendar                 d). the Greek calendar

     ix.            Where is Fatima Park situated?

a). in Islamabad                                b). In Rawalpindi             c). In Sialkot       d). In gujranwala

       x.            The idol worsheppers became civilized people.

a). wise                                                                b). educated & well mannered

c). Clever                                             d). sensible

     xi.            Prophet Muhammad admired the valour of Hazrat Khalid Bin Waleed.

a). ability                             b). fighting way                                c). cleverness    d). courage or bravery

   xii.            Kindness is a great virtue

a). kindness                       b). goodness                      c). Helpless        d). ability

 xiii.            Define

Noun ­­­­­­___________________________________________________________________.

Verb ____________________________________________________________________.

 xiv.            Be­­_____utiful

   xv.            S_____rrow


Affiliated with Federal Board

Mid Term Exams 2011

SECTION—B (Marks 39)

Q2.  Answer any Six of the following parts in about 30 to 40 words.                                         6x3=18

        Each part carries 3 marks.

                                i.            What was the condition of women before the advent of Islam?

                              ii.            At the time of embracing of Isalm, what did Hazrat Khalid Bin Waleed (RA) say to Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W)?

                            iii.            Write a few lines on “Kindness is a great virtue”?

                             iv.            Compare and contrast the ruler and urban life? Refer to the lessn ( Rular and Urban life in Pakistan)?

                               v.            What are the characteristics of a good ruler?

                             vi.            What is self employment?

                           vii.            What do some of the traditional families do before New year’s day? ( The Chinese New Year)

                         viii.            What is meant by extra- curricular activities? 9Sports and Games()

Q3. A. Paraphrase any One of the following stanzas.                                                                      (03)

                                            i.            The day is past, the sun is set,

And the white stars are in the sky;

               White long grass with dew is wet,

               And through the air the bats now fly.

                                          ii.            Little deeds of kindness,

Little words of Love,

       Makes our earth an Eden,

                       Like the heaven above.

B.       Read the following stanza carefully and answer the question given at the end.               (06)

ABOU BEN ADHEM (May his tribe increase Awoke one might from a deep dream of Peace,

And saw within the moonlight in his room,

Making it rich, and like a lily in bloom,

And angel writing in a book of Gold;


                                I.            What is the significance of the stanza?

                              II.            What is the condition of the room?

                            III.            From which poem have these lines been extracted and tell the name of the writer?

Q4. Change the voice of any four of the following sentences?                                                   (04)

i.                    They play hockey.

ii.                  My mother loves me.

iii.                The body is weakened by it.

iv.                 He is liked by all the students.

v.                   She bought a book

vi.                 I bought this new to him

vii.               They were not taught English by Saeed.

Q.5. Use any four of the following phrasal verbs in the sentences of your own.                 (04)

i).  Account for                          ii).  Act on                           iii). Back out

iv). Bear away                           v). bring in                          vi). Call out

vii). Call for                                                viii). Ask for

Q.6. Punctuate and capitalize the following para/line (s)                                                                             (04)

        suddenly a voice came from the dining table one from fine day today we shall take

        hamid to the liberty market

SECTION—C (Marks 21)

Q.7. Write a letter to your father asking him about the health of your mother.                  (08)


        Write a letter to your father requesting him to send you warm clothes for winter season

Q.8. Write a paragraph of about 50 to 70 words on “FASHION” with the help of following (08)

         word bank.

Q.9. Translate any five of the following sentences into English.                                                                (05)


Write a dialogue between teacher and student who reaches school late.

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